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Dr. Andréane Richard-Denis
Andréane Richard-Denis, M.D., M.Sc. is an Associate Professor at the Department of specialized medicine at Université de Montréal and clinician-scientist in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Hopital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal in Québec, Canada. She is also an associate researcher at the Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain (CRIR). She specializes in rehabilitation medicine following a spinal cord injury, particularly in the acute care phase.

Anita Kaiser
- The bare bones patient education series workshop: listen, read, share and use![...]
- Enhancing quality in research and clinical practice through the meaningful engagement of key interest groups: a hands-on experience[...]
- High Caliber Trainees: How to be one, how to retain one[...]
- Laying the foundation for enhanced outcomes with activity-based therapies for Canadians with spinal cord injury or disease[...]
Anita Kaiser has been living with a spinal cord injury (SCI) for over 25 years. She is a Research Trainee at KITE-Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network. She completed a Master of Science degree in Rehabilitation Sciences through the University of Toronto and is currently working towards her doctorate specializing in activity-based therapy. Anita has been Director of Research for the Canadian Spinal Research Organization since 2005 and is also a member of the North American SCI Consortium. Anita has mentored over 80 individuals with SCI through SCI Ontario and has been a strong advocate within the SCI community.

Dr. Arrani Senthinathan
Arrani is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto supervised by Dr. Sara Guilcher. She has a PhD from the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. Her areas of research include health services research, EMR and health administrative data, as well as rehabilitation science.

Dr. B. Catharine Craven
Cathy Craven is the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute/ University of Toronto Cope Family Chair in SCI Health Systems Innovation. She is a Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto. Medical Director of the Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program and Senior Scientist at KITE Research Institute within University Health Network. Dr. Craven is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and the American Spinal Injury Association.
Dr. Craven is Chair of the Canadian SCI -Rehabilitation Association. Dr Craven is the Evaluation Lead for the SCI Implementation and Evaluation Quality Care Consortium ( and is Co-Primary Investigator for the Can-SCIP guidelines ( She has published over 250 articles on related topics and obtained 25M CAD in research funding as a primary investigator (ORCID 0000-0001-8234-6803).; #@drcathycraven.

Barry Munro
Barry Munro is the Chief Development Officer of the Canadian/American Spinal Research Organization, which was established in 1984 to fund targeted research to maximize functional recovery and cure paralysis caused by spinal cord injury. Barry also currently holds the position of Treasurer for the North American Spinal Cord Injury Consortium, a community led organization which has the mission to bring about unified achievements in research, care, cure, and policy by supporting collaborative efforts across the spinal cord injury community. He is currently a director of Unite 2 Fight Paralysis and the Richmond Hill Mobility Foundation . He is a former Chairperson of the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation and is currently the Associate Director of the Person with Lived Experience ( PLEX) department at the Praxis Spinal Cord Institute .
Barry is a lawyer and quadriplegic who sustained a spinal cord injury in 1987 and has been an active advocate in SCI research for over 35 years.
Blake Dear
- Effectiveness of a tailored internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy program among patients with post spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled trial.[...]
- Effectiveness of a tailored internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy program among patients with post spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled trial.[...]

Carmen Carmazan
Carmen is a physiotherapist with over 30 years of health care experience in a variety of setting. Currently, she is an education clinician in the RRC at HHS supporting clinical practice and professional development of staff in the SCI, ABI and stroke programs. She has a keen interest in CQI and has been instrumental in implementing the SCI Quality Care Consortium domains in the SCI rehab practice at HHS. Carmen is also an Assistant Clinical Professor at McMaster University, School of Rehab Science, PT program.
Dr. Chester Ho
Personal Statement
"My goal is to improve the outcomes and quality of life for those with spinal cord injuries through two main areas of focus. One is developing a network of care for people with spinal cord injury, because it is a very complex, lifelong and chronic condition. My other research interest is the complications of spinal cord injuries such as pressure ulcers."
Dr. Chester Ho is a recognized expert in spinal cord injury and related complications such as pressure ulcers. His fascination with these areas began when he was a medical student at the University of Cambridge in England. While working with a stroke patient, he realized the potential of rehabilitation to help people regain their function and improve their quality of life. After graduating from medical school, he completed a residency in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School/Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, followed by fellowship training in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Medicine at the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey/Kessler Institute of Rehabilitation.
Dr. Ho was Chief of Spinal Cord Injury at the Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center between 2006 and 2011. He then joined the University of Calgary's Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary where he was an associate professor and division head, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, for the Department of Clinical Neurosciences and Alberta Health Services. Dr. Ho was recruited to the University of Alberta in 2017 as director, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, and inaugural Spinal Cord Injury Research Chair.
Clinical and Research Scholarship
Dr. Ho's scholarship in health services delivery emphasizes developing access and consistency of care in rural areas for people with spinal cord injury. His related research is in the management and rehabilitation of complications following spinal cord injury, such as pressure ulcers. He champions mobilizing knowledge into care—the integration of research into clinical practice, such as the use of functional electrical stimulation to improve function and to prevent pressure ulcers after spinal cord injury. He is a member of the team that designed and conducted clinical testing of the Smart-e-Pants system of pressure ulcer prevention developed by colleagues Dr. Vivian Mushahwar, Dr. Dick Stein and their teams. Dr. Ho has numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on pressure injuries. He co-authored the Wounds Canada Best Practice Recommendations for the Prevention and Management of Pressure Injuries, as well as the Consortium of Spinal Cord Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines on Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment Following Spinal Cord Injury, 2nd edition.
Leadership and Collaborations
Dr. Ho is co-chair of the Alberta Health Services Pressure Injury/Ulcer Prevention committee, and the Provincial Rehabilitation Steering Committee. He co-chaired the revision of the Canadian Spinal Cord Injury Pressure Ulcer Strategy, which was sponsored by the Rick Hansen Institute and Ontario NeuroTrauma Foundation. He is working with partners across Alberta, including Campus Alberta Neuroscience (CAN), to create a registry that will allow doctors and researchers to track the long-term outcomes and effects of spinal cord injuries, foster research collaborations and build the knowledge infrastructure necessary to advance rehabilitation treatments and techniques.
Chris Marks

Christine Short
After receiving her MD from Dalhousie University, Dr. Short pursued postgraduate medical training in physical medicine and rehabilitation, also at Dalhousie. She accepted appointments at Dalhousie and the QEII Health Sciences Centre upon receiving her fellowship from the Royal College of Physicians of Canada in 1999. She recently served as division head / service chief of the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Effective September 5, 2017, she now serves as department head / district chief for the Department of Medicine.

Colleen O'Connell
A Canadian east-coaster, Colleen is professor of PM&R in Dalhousie University and Medical Director of NBs Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation. Believing in the strength of collaboration, or having difficulty saying no, she is a member of many networks. Regarding best practice recommendations as essential to quality care and capacity building, she contributes to many guidelines, including PVA SCI Guidelines Consortium.
With husband Jeff & rehabilitation volunteers she founded Team Canada Healing Hands, dedicated to advancing rehabilitation capacity in lower resourced areas. She's worked in care, training, and disasters in Haiti, Nepal, Ukraine. She chairs the ISCoS Emergencies subcommittee, serves on the WHO SCI Emergency Medical Teams technical working group and the ISCoS-WHO SCI Toolkit for national health systems. Surrounded by action-oriented humanitarians, she serves on the steering committee of the WHO World Rehabilitation Alliance and co-Chairs the Emergencies workstream.

Dr. Dalton Wolfe
Dr. Dalton Wolfe is a Scientist at Parkwood Institute (SJHC London and Lawson Health Research Institute) and an Assistant Professor (part-time) in the School of Health Studies at Western University in London Ontario Canada.
Dalton leads the R2P (Research 2 Practice) team at Parkwood Institute that integrates clinical and research efforts to improve care and clinical outcomes. This is a clinically embedded group that supports clinical practice through application of implementation science and incorporates a participatory, person-centred approach to build pragmatic research initiatives that integrate research and education within clinical practice. This approach has ensured that research questions and resulting initiatives have resonance in the "real world" and have practical application towards the ultimate goal of enhancing health for people with neurological conditions.

Dr. Dimitry Sayenko
Dr. Dimitry Sayenko graduated in 1996 from the Russian State Medical University with an MD degree. From 1996 to 2006, he was a researcher at the Institute for Biomedical Problems – the leading Russian research institute specializing in biomedical aspects of manned spaceflights. In 2005, he received a PhD in Aerospace Medicine. Dr. Sayenko completed his postdoctoral training at the National Rehabilitation Center in Japan (2008), as well as at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute in Canada (2012). From 2012 to 2014, Dr. Sayenko held a faculty appointment at the University of Louisville, where he investigated the mechanisms of epidural spinal stimulation. From 2014 to 2018, Dr. Sayenko worked at the UCLA, and utilized spinal stimulation to recover sensorimotor function in the upper and lower limbs after SCI. Dr. Sayenko's current research at the Houston Methodist Research Institute focuses on the mechanisms and effects of spinal neuromodulation after SCI and stroke.

Dr. Eldon Loh
Dr. Eldon Loh is a Physiatrist at Parkwood Institute aand an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University. He completed residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Alberta in 2010 and a clinical fellowship in interventional pain management in 2011. His research interests include improving the management of chronic neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury, and the development of novel and improved techniques for interventional pain management of axial spine pain.
He is Chair of the panel that developed and updates the Canadian Best Practice Guidelines for Neuropathic Pain after spinal cord injury and works with international partners to improve point-of-care tools for implementing the guidelines. His interventional pain research focuses heavily on a bench to bedside approach, utilizing anatomical findings to inform clinical practice. He has also examined the impact of Ontario's healthcare utilization of different interventional procedures such as radiofrequency ablation and paravertebral nerve blocks.

Farnoosh Farahani
Farnoosh Farahani is a member of the Neural Engineering and Therapeutics Team at the KITE Research Institute. Having received her education at University of Toronto in human biology (HSBc), Farnoosh has a keen interest in clinical research and has worked in several research settings, including pharmaceutical, contract research organization, as well as acute and rehabilitation hospitals. Becoming a certified clinical research professional and a project management professional has helped Farnoosh further her career and gain knowledge and skills in managing research and quality improvement projects at Toronto Rehab.
In her role as the evaluation manager of the Spinal Cord Injury Implementation & Evaluation Quality Care Consortium (SCI IEQCC), Farnoosh supports the translation of research evidence into clinical practice by evaluating and implementing quality care indicators in SCI rehabilitation across Canada. She also leads stakeholder engagement with members of the SCI community, valuing their contributions toward implementing best practices, enhancing care, and formulating policy changes.
Farnoosh in front of her poster at Research Day 2019.
Geraldine Jacquemin
Dr. Heather Gainforth
Dr. Gainforth is an Associate Professor and behavioural and implementation scientist at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Gainforth's research focuses on advancing the science of behaviour change and meaningful engagement in SCI research.

Heather Hadjistavropoulos
Research interests cognitive behaviour therapy digital mental health anxiety depression trauma health anxiety chronic pain chronic health conditions alcohol misuse clinical supervision and training

Hope Jervis Rademeyer
- Developing national equity and consistency in spinal cord injury rehabilitation and health care: what is essential and what should we strive for?[...]
- The bare bones patient education series workshop: listen, read, share and use![...]
- Laying the foundation for enhanced outcomes with activity-based therapies for Canadians with spinal cord injury or disease[...]
Hope Jervis Rademeyer is a PhD candidate in Rehabilitation Science at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Dr. Kristin Musselman. Her research interest is in the rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injury using neurotechnology (i.e. brain-computer interface, functional electrical stimulation, robots) to augment traditional therapy. She has experience delivering therapy using FES as a stand-alone device and in conjunction with a brain-computer interface. Her research has involved training balance and upper limb function using FES in combination with other interventions. Hope also works as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist in private practice in Hamilton, Ontario.

Dr. Jacqui Ripat
Dr. Jacquie Ripat is a professor in the department of occupational therapy at the College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba. Her program of research focuses on understanding the interaction between individuals with disabilities who use assistive technologies and the physical, socio-cultural, and attitudinal environments in which they interact. Through qualitative, participatory, and mixed methods research approaches, she aims to develop and implement ways to use assistive technology and modify environments to promote community participation and inclusion of people with disabilities throughout the lifespan. Dr. Ripat's research is greatly strengthened by the collaborative relationships she has with colleagues from various disciplines, including engineering, nursing, physical therapy, architecture, interior design, and library science.

James Hektner
James Hektner is the BC Interior Regional Community Liaison at the Praxis Spinal Cord Institute. He works to strengthen partnerships between the community, research, and healthcare systems. These are vital in achieving improved health outcomes and quality of life for persons living with spinal cord injury (SCI).
James also serves as the President & Co-founder of Accessible Okanagan, a non-profit which encourages people with diverse-abilities to participate in exciting inclusive opportunities such as camping, fishing, entertainment, and recreational events for the SCI community.
His research interests include encouragement of peer support, SCI education, innovation of mobility devices, physical activity such as hand cycling, waterskiing, traveling, network development, and sexual health.

Dr. James Milligan
James Milligan, BSc.P.T., MD, CCFP is a family physician with the Centre for Family Medicine (CFFM) Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He is director of the CFFM Mobility Clinic, an interprofessional primary care clinic with a focus to improve primary care for individuals with spinal cord injury and other physical disabilities. The clinic is dedicated to clinical research in SCI in primary care, working closely with the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (ONF) and Praxis Institute. He is an Associate Clinical Professor in the McMaster University Department of Family Medicine and Adjunct Clinical Professor Western University Department of Family Medicine. He is Clinical Specialist for Mobility and Falls with University of Waterloo-Schlegel Research Institute for Aging (UW-RIA).

Dr. Jennifer Duley
Jennifer Duley is a Registered Physiotherapist who graduated from the McMaster University Physiotherapy Program in 2003. Jennifer has over 19 years experience working with individuals diagnosed with SCI/D. Over this time, Jennifer has been involved in providing physiotherapy in various areas of the care continuum, but predominately the acute care setting. Currently, Jennifer works as an Advanced Practice Physiotherapist with the Neuromodulation Program at Hamilton General Hospital, as well as, the SCI Consortium Implementation and Evaluation Specialist with the Hamilton Regional Rehabilitation Centre Spinal Cord Injury Team.

Dr. Jeonghoon Oh
Jeonghoon Oh, PhD, is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Houston Methodist Research Institute. He received his PhD in Kinesiology from the University of Miami in 2019 and then did his first postdoc at the University of Georgia, where he studied sports-related concussions among college athletes. In 2021, he joined Dr. Dimitry Sayenko's lab at the Houston Methodist Research Institute, where he is actively involved in pioneering research on spinal neuromodulation. His research focuses on utilizing neuromodulation approaches to restore the sensorimotor network in the upper limb in individuals with neurological disorders, such as spinal cord injury and post-stroke.

Dr. Jessica M. D'Amico
Jessica D'Amico, Ph.D., joined the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital in 2022 as a Scientific Program Lead and is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta. Prior to this, she was an Assistant Professor and Scientific Director of the Neurophysiology Core at the University of Louisville (USA). Dr. D'Amico obtained her PhD from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada and completed her postdoctoral fellowship at Neuroscience Research Australia in Sydney, Australia. She has a strong research interest in neuromodulation and specifically the use of pharmacological agents and neurostimulation paradigms that have the potential to induce neuroplasticity and improve motor function in individuals with spinal cord injury. She is currently the principal investigator on two project grants awarded by the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation and the Wings for Life Spinal Cord Research Foundation examining novel ways to improve motor function in individuals with spinal cord injury.
Onward Medical Inc.
Wings for Life Spinal Cord Foundation and Craig H. Neilsen Foundation-Grant Recipient (PI)

John Chernesky
- Are you prepared for the future of research funding? How to write engagement plans for grant applications.[...]
- Enhancing quality in research and clinical practice through the meaningful engagement of key interest groups: a hands-on experience[...]
- Implementing workshops in regional areas of British Columbia to enhance clinicians confidence in SCI care[...]
- Oral Presentations - Theme-Related[...]
John Chernesky is the Manger of the Praxis Spinal Cord Institute's PLEX Program. With over 30 years of lived experience of spinal cord injury (SCI) since being paralyzed, John has participated in dozens of research studies in addition to being a co-investigator on a number of research projects. He works closely with spinal cord injury PLEX (individuals with lived experience of SCI including people living with SCI, their family and friends, PLEX-focused community organizations and advocacy groups) to ensure research is addressing their priorities. His strong connection to the local SCI community as well as an international network of people living with SCI brings local, national and international PLEX perspective to the SCI research field. He is recognized as a leader in engagement and integrated knowledge translation and has advised funding agencies on their engagement policies and has contributed to the development of methodologies and tools for effective and meaningful engagement.

Judith Gargaro
Judy Gargaro has extensive experience working in the fields of brain injury and spinal cord injury as a clinician researcher and quality improvement and implementation expert. She has worked a local, regional and provincial level with a particular focus on ensuring that persons after brain and spinal cord injuries receive equitable best practice care and the needed services and supports to optimize long term living in the community. Currently, she is the director of the Ideal Care Pathways initiative for traumatic brain spinal cord injuries in Ontario.

Dr. Julio Furlan
- Award Winning Posters - Themes[...]
- Sleep disorders in individuals living with spinal cord injury or disease: an overview on the literature, knowledge gaps, and recently research-generated knowledge[...]
- Diagnosis and management of degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) in a continuum from primary care to the community.[...]
- In The Era Of An Aging Population: What Are The Effects Of Older Age On Outcomes After Spinal Cord Injury?[...]
Julio C. Furlan, MD, LLB, MBA, PhD, MSc, FRCPC, FAAN, is a staff neurologist and a Clinician Investigator in the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the SCI Rehabilitation Program at the Lyndhurst Centre, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network, and an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Toronto.
Dr Furlan´s research has been focused on outcome measures (including clinical assessments, neuroimaging analysis, and neurophysiological assessments) and predictors of outcome after traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injury. In addition, he has interest and expertise in neuromodulation, autonomic dysfunction after spinal cord injury and economic analyses.
Cervical Spine Research Society, CHNF, MOH -Grant funds

Dr. Karen Ethans
Dr. Ethans is an Associate professor at the University of Manitoba, and is a PM+R specialist with a American Board certified subspecialty in Spinal Cord Injury Medicine. She completed her medical school training and PM+R residency at Dalhousie University. She has practiced at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre for over 24 years, as well as doing outreach clinics at many personal care homes in Winnipeg and to some remote northern communities. She is a recognized expert in spinal cord injury management, in particular spasticity, neurogenic bladder and bowel, pressure ulcers, neurogenic pain, and MAiD, She is a passionate teacher and researcher, as does inpatient and outpatient clinical care of people with spinal cord injury (SCI) and people with spasticity from SCI, stroke, MS, and Cerebral Palsy. Her particular interest lays in improving quality of life for those living with SCI and other neurologic disabilities.

Dr. Karim Fouad
Karim Fouad studied biology in Konstanz, Germany, where he also received his PhD in neuroscience. His first postdoctoral fellowship brought him to Edmonton, Canada where the focus of his work was on the neural control of locomotion. His interest in adaptations of the locomotor system brought him to Zürich, Switzerland where he entered the field of spinal cord injury (SCI) working with Drs. V. Dietz and M.E Schwab. He started his own laboratory in 2001 at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, where he is currently employed as Professor and Canada Research Chair in the Department of Physical Therapy within the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. His research focuses on the interactions between neuroplasticity and neurorepair with rehabilitative motor training in animal models of SCI. His curiosity driven scientific journey on neuroplasticity has recently ventured to less traveled shores exploring the contributions of SCI induced gut microbiome changes and cognitive health.

Dr. Keith Sequeira
Dr. Keith Sequeira is a physiatrist at St. Joseph's Health Care London and London Health Sciences Centre and an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University. Dr. Sequeira completed his medical degree at the University of Toronto in 1994, residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Albany Medical Center in 1998, followed by a fellowship in Electrodiagnostic and Sports Medicine at Michigan State University.
Dr. Sequeira is the Medical Director of the Acquired Brain Injury program at Parkwood Institute and runs spasticity, EMG, brain and spinal cord injury clinics. Dr. Sequeira is currently the Residency Program Director, a program that he designed and initiated in 2005 and functions as the WSIB Champion, working on the integration of WSIB education into the medical school curriculum at Western University. Dr. Sequeira is a past Director of the undergraduate Musculoskeletal curriculum within the medical school at Western University, the recipient of the Dean's Award of Excellence for Undergraduate Medical Education and has authored numerous publications, including a 2020 article in the New England Journal of Medicine on lumbar radiculopathy.

Kristen Walden
- Using network analysis to enhance the multi-morbidity index for predicting patient outcomes in traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injury[...]
- Enhancing quality in research and clinical practice through the meaningful engagement of key interest groups: a hands-on experience[...]
- Laying the foundation for enhanced outcomes with activity-based therapies for Canadians with spinal cord injury or disease[...]
Kristen Walden is a National Clinical Liaison for the Praxis Spinal Cord Institute and physiotherapist at Vancouver Coastal Health. The focus of her research involvement and clinical practice has been in the area of spinal cord injury (SCI). Clinically, she has practiced in the area of SCI for over 20 years across the healthcare continuum. In her role at Praxis, Kristen works on a number of research and best practice initiatives including the development and implementation of the Standing and Walking Assessment Tool, the Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry (RHSCIR), and the Canadian Activity Based Therapy Community of Practice. Additionally, she leads an RHI collaboration with ISCoS on the development of a freely available web-based International Standards for Neurological Classification of SCI (ISNCSCI) algorithm and is a member of the American Spinal Cord Injury Associations International Standards Committee.

Dr. Kristin Musselman
Dr. Kristin Musselman is a physical therapist, Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Toronto, Scientist with the Neural Engineering and Therapeutics Team at KITE, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – Lyndhurst Centre, and Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Multi-morbidity and Complex Rehabilitation. She completed a BSc (Life Sciences) and BScPT at Queen's University, followed by a MSc (Neurosciences) and PhD (Rehabilitation Science) at the University of Alberta. Dr. Musselman was a CIHR Post-doctoral Fellow at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Kennedy Krieger Institute from 2010-2013. She is academic lead of the Canadian SCI Walking Measures Group and Co-Chair of the Canadian ABT Community of Practice.

Kristine C. Cowley
Kristine Cowley is an Associate Professor and Director of the Spinal Cord Research Centre at the University of Manitoba with a Canada Research Chair in Spinal Cord Function, and Health after Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Her research ranges from: pathways and neural mechanisms involved in the let-down reflex for breastfeeding women with tetraplegia; to how the spinal cord produces and coordinates movement; to how bone mineral density is regulated after SCI; to improving exercise function and capacity in those with tetraplegia. Kristine was awarded three medals (2 gold, 1 silver), and broke two world records, in Athletics/Track at the 1992 Paralympics (surname Harder). She served as Executive Director of the Manitoba Division of the Canadian Paraplegic Association (1995 to 1998) where she learned first-hand how good health and social policy can improve, and poor health and social policy can impair life quality of those with SCI and reduce their ability to contribute in their communities.
Craig H Neilsen (CHN) Foundation -Member of Review Board for Spinal Cord Injury Research on the Translational Spectrum (SCIRTS)
Praxis Research Institute -Board Member
CHN SCIRTS grant -Funded for a spinal cord injury and exercise pilot research study

Lindsie Blencowe
Most patients and staff at Lyndhurst know me for my role in coordinating our bone research programs. Currently, I coordinate our CIHR-funded project SCI-FX. SCI-FX is a fracture risk prediction tool we are currently developing through collaborations with the Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry and the Department of Veterans Affairs in the US. My research interests are focused on the biochemical changes which contribute to osteoporosis and endocrine metabolic disease.

Dr. Mark Boulos
Dr. Mark Boulos is a Stroke & Sleep Neurologist, Associate Professor, and Clinician-Investigator in the Division of Neurology at the University of Toronto and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Dr. Boulos serves as the Medical Lead for the Sunnybrook Sleep Laboratory and as Program Director for the Sleep Neurology Fellowship Program at the University of Toronto. Dr. Boulos oversees an active research program that investigates the association of sleep disorders with TIA/stroke, dementia, and other neurological disorders. In addition, he has an interest in home sleep monitoring, normative sleep data, and novel treatment interventions for managing sleep disorders. Dr. Boulos has published more than 70 peer-reviewed journal articles, and many book chapters, abstracts, and poster presentations. His research program has been supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Heart and Stroke Foundation, RLS Foundation, and several industry partners.

Mark T. Bayley
Mark Bayley is Program Medical Director & Physiatrist-in-Chief at UHN-Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. He is a Professor at the University of Toronto in the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine. Mark has held a number of health system leadership roles including Chair of the Stroke Evaluation Committee at Corhealth Ontario, Brain injury committee at Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, the Canadian Stroke Best Practices committee and the Vice Chair of the GTA Rehab Network. His work has help redesign rehabilitation systems in Canada. He has led large randomized controlled trials including the Stroke Canada Optimization of Rehabilitation by evidence (SCORE), Fluoxetine to open the Window of Stroke Recovery (FLOW) study, the Getting on with Life after stroke and the EVREST (Efficacy of Virtual Reality Exercises using Wii gaming technology in STroke Rehabilitation). He has been very interested in implementing evidence at a health system level in the areas of stroke and brain injury initially through development of stroke rehabilitation guidelines then a leadership role in development of Canadian Stroke strategy (, a smartphone app to determine post stroke arm rehabilitation ( and guidelines for concussion and traumatic brain injury ( He is also actively involved in research to promote neurological recovery.

Masae Miyatani
Currently, I am responsible for coordinating a patient and health care provider education project entitled the "Bare Bones of Bone Health". This initiative includes the development of a podcast series and digital education materials to support the dissemination of the recently published Paralyzed Veterans of America Bone Health Guidelines. I have been involved in several cardiometabolic health and osteoporosis related clinical trials such as; Efficacy and Safety of Rosuvastatin for Modifying Bone Mass and Cardiometabolic Disease Outcomes(RoBaCO), Cardiovascular Health / Outcomes: Improvements Created by Exercise and education in SCI (CHOICES), and the Whole Body Vibration and Passive Standing Therapy (WAVE) study.

Matheus J. Wiest
Matheus Joner Wiest has broad experience in basic sciences, and health systems planning and evaluation. He led and collaborated in local, provincial and national activities developing and implementing quality of care indicators for spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Currently, he leads the development and implementation of the Ideal Care Pathways for traumatic brain and traumatic spinal cord injuries in Ontario.

Merna Seliman
Merna is a research assistant/coordinator at Parkwood Institute. She is currently a PhD Candidate in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Western University. Merna's area of research is sexual health after Spinal Cord Injury and other neurological disabilities. Specifically, she is interested in developing and implementing sexuality interventions that would contribute to sexual satisfaction and intimacy for women and couples. She has been involved in quality improvement initiatives and implementing Sexual Health Practice in SCI, ABI, and Stroke rehabilitation as well as the Transitional and Lifelong Care program at Parkwood. She completed a Masters of Science in 2019 at Brock university which focused on the impact of a mindfulness-based intervention on sexual satisfaction among couples living with neurological disabilities.

Dr. Michael G. Fehlings
Dr. Fehlings received his MD from the University of Toronto in 1983. Following a surgical internship at Queen's University in 1983-84, Dr. Fehlings entered the University of Toronto Neurosurgical Training Program in 1984. During his residency, Dr. Fehlings worked towards and received his Ph.D. in 1989 in the Institute of Medical Sciences for his work on experimental spinal cord injury. Dr. Fehlings became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in 1990 and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons in 2006. In 1991, he undertook a post-doctoral research fellowship at NYU Medical Center under Dr. Wise Young. This was followed by a clinical spine fellowship under Dr. P. Cooper at NYU. Dr. Fehlings joined the Neurosurgical Staff at the Toronto Western Hospital in 1992. He is currently a Professor of Neurosurgery and Vice Chair Research in the Department of Surgery, full member of the Institute of Medical Sciences School of Graduate Studies, a Scholar in the McLaughlin Centre of Molecular Medicine, a Scientist in the McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine, a Senior Scientist at the Krembil Research Institute, Co-Director of the University of Toronto Spine Program, Head of the Spinal Program at the Toronto Western Hospital, and Gerry and Tootsie Halbert Chair in Neural Repair and Regeneration. Previously, he was the Director of the University of Toronto Neuroscience Program and Medical Director of the Krembil Neuroscience Centre at the University Health Network. His main clinical interests are in spinal neurosurgery, and his research focus is in molecular mechanisms underlying spinal cord injury.

Dr. Mitsue Aibe
Mitsue Aibe is a postdoctoral researcher at KITE Research Institute, University Health Network, under the supervision of Dr. Julio Furlan.

Dr. Nader Fallah
Dr. Nader Fallah is a biostatistician at the Rick Hansen Institute and adjunct professor in the Department of Medicine at University of British Columbia. He obtained his PhD in biostatistics and postdoctoral training in computational neuroscience. He was engaged in analyses of several Canadian and international epidemiological and longitudinal studies in order to develop risk profiles for people living with Alzheimer disease and spinal cord injury. The main focus of his current research includes patient outcomes following traumatic spinal cord injury and Alzheimer's disease and also developing statistical and machine learning models.

Nicholas Zhao
I received my Master of Applied Science in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto in 2023, specialising in clinical engineering. My research focuses are in rehabilitation engineering, machine learning, and computer vision. I'm excited to apply this knowledge to enhance healthcare technology and contribute positively to the field.
Patrik Nepomuceno

Ramin Fathian
Ramin Fathian is a PhD student at the University of Alberta. Ramin Fathian's work exemplifies interdisciplinary expertise, blending biomechanics, wearable technology, data-driven approaches, and machine learning to innovate in healthcare, rehabilitation, and human motion and performance analysis.

Dr. Robert Teasell
Dr. Teasell obtained an undergraduate degree in Biology BSc and a medical degree at the University of Western Ontario. He completed a rotating internship at St. Joseph's Hospital, London and residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Ottawa. He was a consultant physiatrist at University Hospital in London from 1986-2002 and Parkwood Hospital, St. Joseph's Health Care London from 2002-present. He was Chief of PM&R at University Hospital from 1988-1996, Chief of PM&R at London Health Sciences Centre from 1996-2001 and City-Wide Chief from 2001-2012. He was Acting Chair of the Western University Department of PM&R from 1997-1999 and Chair/Chief from 2001-2012. He is currently the Research Director of the Department of PM&R, Western University. Dr. Teasell is the Medical Director of the Stroke Rehabilitation Program at Parkwood Institute and has an active outpatient chronic pain practice.
Dr. Teasell is a past Chair of the Research Committee of the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, a past member of the Ontario and Canadian Stroke Strategy Executive Committee, and a past examiner for the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is or has been on the editorial board of the Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation and the Journal of Pain Research and Management and was a Section Editor of the Journal of Stroke. He has received several awards including the Physician Staff Organization Reward and Recognition Award for St. Joseph's Health Care London (2008), the Merit Award from the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2010) and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada McLaughlin-Gallie Visiting Professor Award (2012). In 2016 he delivered the Ray Hnatyshyn lecture at the Canadian Stroke Congress. He was awarded the 2018 Lawson Impact Scientist of the Year Award and the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine/National Stroke Association Award for Excellence in Post-Acute Stroke in 2018.

Sarah Donkers
Walking and balance
Multiple sclerosis
Behaviour change
Animal assisted interventions

Scott Donia
Scott Donia is the Knowledge Exchange Lead at Praxis Spinal Cord Institute. Originally from Ontario, where we completed his Masters at Brock University under the supervision of David Ditor, Scott moved to the mountains in Vancouver 2 years ago. He is interested in accessible exercise and sharing knowledge to move care forward.
Praxis Spinal Cord Institute -Employee

Shajaky Parameswaran
Shajaky Parameswaran is a final year undergraduate student studying at the University of Toronto. As a research assistant at the Craven Lab, her role is to conduct community follow-up interviews and to assess how individuals with spinal cord injuries are completing their daily activities at home and within their community. Shajaky aspires to become a clinician-scientist and contribute to further understanding of rehabilitation processes and recovery.

Shannon Rockall
Occupational therapist, working in SCI for 23 years in both rehabilitation and community settings.
Praxis Spinal Cord Institute -Regional Clinical Liaison for BC Interior

Dr. Shirin Tajali
Shirin is working as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University Health Network. During her Ph.D., she investigated several gait and balance impairments associated with falling in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. She is currently investigating the effects of novel training approaches including electrical stimulation and visual feedback training on balance performance and neuroplasticity in individuals living with spinal cord injury.

Dr. Stephanie Nixon
Stephanie Nixon, PhD, is Vice-Dean (Faculty of Health Sciences) and Director (School of Rehabilitation Therapy) at Queen's University. Prior to joining Queen's in 2022, Stephanie had been a professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto since 2007. She has been a scholar activist for over 25 years. She completed her PhD in Public Health in 2006 at the University of Toronto, and a post-doc at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa in 2007. Stephanie was director of the International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation from 2012-2021. Stephanie is a straight, white, middle class, able-bodied, cisgender, settler woman who tries to understand the pervasive effects of privilege. She uses the metaphor of a coin to explore how systems of oppression shape health care, research and education, and the role of people in positions of unearned advantage (like herself) in disrupting these harmful patterns.
Sukvinder Kalsi-Ryan
Is a Clinician Scientist in the field of upper limb assessment and recovery and spine pathology at Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Lyndhurst Centre and also Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. Her research is oriented towards establishing methods to quantify neurological change after injury and developing neuro-restorative methods towards enhancing and optimizing function for those with neurological impairment. As Clinic and Scientific Lead of the KITE Clinics, she has built a strong research foundation that will propel the clinic, while enhancing access to care for patients with traumatic and non-traumatic SCI. while implementing new innovations and technologies. She provides academic teaching within the Depts of Surgery and Physical Therapy at the University of Toronto. She is the founder of her own company Neural Outcomes. Interests: measurement, upper limb recovery, traumatic and non-traumatic SCI, quantification and development of new rehabilitation programs.
Neural Outcomes Consulting Inc -CEO of company
MOH/ONF Grant for Study

Swati Mehta
Swati Mehta is a Scientist at Parkwood Institute Research and Lawson Research Institute, an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Western University and a registered Psychotherapist. Professor Mehta leads the RehabPsych Lab. The aim of the lab is to improve activity engagement and overall wellbeing among those undergoing rehabilitation through online programs including virtual group based physical activity and internet delivered cognitive behavior therapy hosted on the lab's website.
Professor Mehta has received over 1 million dollars in research funding to date and has authored over 65 peer-reviewed articles. She has been awarded the Lawson Impact Leadership Award in 2016, the Royal Society of Canada Alice Wilson Award in 2017 and the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation Excellence Award in 2017.

Dr. Thomas Peter Walden
Thomas completed his Ph.D. in Kinesiology at Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia. His primary Ph.D. research investigated the biomechanical and physiological implications of lower limb blood flow restriction during treadmill walking. Relocating to Toronto in November 2022, Thomas secured a postdoctoral research fellowship within the Craven Lab at Lyndhurst Rehabilitation Centre. Currently, his research focuses on implementing exoskeletons as a rehabilitation tool for individuals with an SCI/D, understanding independence post-rehabilitation discharge for individuals living with an SCI/D, and developing wearable technology to track movement patterns in older adults living with osteoporosis as a falls prevention strategy. In the long term, Thomas strives to develop novel training interventions to help remove participation barriers, allowing all individuals to access exercise's health and fitness benefits.

Dr. Ujjoyinee Barua
Ujjoyinee is a PhD student in the Health and Rehabilitation Sciences program at Western University and is also a Research Assistant at Parkwood Institute. Her primary research focuses on developing and implementing online mental health programs based on cognitive behavioural therapy for caregivers and people with neurological conditions (i.e., mild traumatic brain injury). Her research goal is to improve the wellbeing of the vulnerable population by enhancing access to alternative mental health services (internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy).

Dr. Vanessa Noonan
- Using network analysis to enhance the multi-morbidity index for predicting patient outcomes in traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injury[...]
- Implementing workshops in regional areas of British Columbia to enhance clinicians confidence in SCI care[...]
- In The Era Of An Aging Population: What Are The Effects Of Older Age On Outcomes After Spinal Cord Injury?[...]
Dr. Vanessa Noonan is a physical therapist and the focus of her research and clinical practice has been in the area of spinal cord injury. Clinically, she has practiced in both the SCI acute and rehabilitation settings. Her research examines processes and outcomes of care following SCI rehabilitation, with the goal of moving research into practice and creating standards of care.
Vanessa obtained her PhD from the UBC School of Population and Public Health in 2009. Her doctoral thesis examined measures of participation in persons with SCI that are based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) model. She later received a post-doctoral fellowship award from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research and had the opportunity to work with the NIH-sponsored project PROMIS (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System) at the University of Washington.
As Director of Research & Best Practice Implementation, Vanessa is responsible for leading translational research and best practice implementation projects at Praxis Spinal Cord Institute. She has been actively involved with the Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry since it started in 2002 and co-led the development of a new community follow-up questionnaire for the Registry. In addition, she is part of the International SCI Data Set Committee, which has overseen the development of 16 data sets that are used internationa
Wendy Murphy

Anthony Burns
Anthony S. Burns graduated from the Yale University School of Medicine in 1994, and afterwards completed combined residency training in Internal Medicine and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the Sinai Hospital of Baltimore Johns Hopkins University program, followed by a SCI fellowship at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is a past participant in the Rehabilitation Medicine Scientist Training Program, sponsored by the Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP) and funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. In 2007, Dr. Burns joined the University Health Network -Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program, the largest program of its kind in Canada, and was the Medical Director from 2007– 2012. Currently he is a Professor in the Division of Physiatry, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, and Affiliate Scientist, Neural Engineering and Therapeutics (NET) Team of the KITE (Knowledge Innovation Talent Everywhere) Research Institute.

Wagner Souza
I am a Scientific Associate working with Dr. Cathy Craven at Lyndhurst Centre (Toronto Rehabilitation Institute), where I lead the implementation of an exoskeleton-based clinic for integrated care in spinal cord injury. I am a physical therapist by training, with expertise in neurorehabilitation. I got my bachelor's degree from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil, along with a clinical specialization (trauma, orthopedic and sports rehab) and a master's degree (musculoskeletal assessment and intervention). My research is focused on human sensory integration and motor control, mostly addressing gait, gaze and balance in neurologic impairment. In 2019, I completed my PhD in Neuroscience at McGill University, where I also served as an instructor for undergraduate courses and for internationally trained clinicians. After my PhD, I joined a Medical Innovation Fellowship at Western University, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at Johns Hopkins University.

John Shepherd
John Shepherd is a PhD student in the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute of the University of Toronto, with a focus on health services and policy research. Working under the supervision of Professors Susan Jaglal and Sara Guilcher, his research aims to better understand the way health care services are delivered to people living with spinal cord injury, and how this can be improved.
Dr. Viet Vu
I am a physiatrist with fellowship training in SCI medicine. My work is based in Vancouver at GF Strong Rehab Centre and Vancouver General Hospital covering acute, rehab and outpatient SCI services. Outside of SCI, I am the medical director of the Post-COVID Interdisciplinary Clinical Care Network in BC.

Dr. Katrina DeZeeuw
Dr. Katrina DeZeeuw is an early career physiatrist working in Ottawa, Ontario at Saint Vincent's Hospital and The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Center in general rehabilitation, neurospinal rehabilitation and wound care. She did her medical training at Memorial University of Newfoundland, residency at University of Ottawa and fellowship at Toronto Rehab Lyndhurst Center.

Dr. Janelle Unger
An assistant professor in the School of Physical Therapy at Western Univeristy and a licensed physical therapist, Janelle Unger received a PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences from the University of Toronto and is currently the Principal Investigator of the RED Neuro Lab (Enhancing Rehabilitation, Experience, and Health Services Delivery for People with Neurological Impairments) at the Gray Centre for Mobility and Activity located within Parkwood Institute. Her research focuses on promoting lifelong mobility for people with various neurological impairments, including spinal cord and brain injuries. Her main interests are optimizing gait and balance to provide the foundation for safe mobility and enhancing access to rehabilitation services that support lifelong activity.

Dr. Sharon Gabison
Dr. Gabison is a physical therapist and an Affiliate Scientist in pressure injury and home care research at KITE, Toronto Rehab – University Health Network. Her research is focused on the development and evaluation of tools and technologies to support individuals at risk of developing pressure injuries and the caregivers who support them. This interdisciplinary research combines engineering, computer science and healthcare and takes place in the community, in rehabilitation settings and in complex continuing care environments. Dr. Gabison uses both quantitative and qualitative methods and approaches while engaging patients, families, caregivers and the community throughout the research cycle. Through this research, the hope is to equip individuals at risk of developing pressure injuries and the caregivers who support them with tools and technologies in order to reduce unnecessary pain and suffering.
Dr. Vivian Mushahwar
Dr. Mushahwar is a Professor in the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. An engineer by training (electrical), Dr. Mushahwar obtained her Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from the University of Utah. Research in the Mushahwar lab focuses on many aspects such as the restoration of standing and walking after spinal cord injury and the detection and prevention of deep tissue pressure sores using functional electrical stimulation (FES) techniques. The Mushahwar lab is working with other groups of the Project SMART team to develop implantable devices that utilize intraspinal microstimulation (ISMS) to stimulate the "control centre" for standing and stepping in the spinal cord and thereby restore this ability after spinal cord injury. In addition, in collaboration with researchers in the Stein, Chan, and Dukelow research groups, Mushahwar's lab is developing a garment to detect and prevent the onset of pressure sores in wheelchair and bed ridden patients.

Nayaab Punjani
Nayaab Punjani is a PhD student at the Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto, as a part of Dr. Michael Fehlings' Lab at the University Health Network. She completed her Honours Bachelor of Science at the University of Toronto Scarborough. Nayaab was the recipient of the Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master's and has published reviews examining traumatic SCI pathophysiology and neuroregenerative therapies in the North American Spine Society Journal and Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, along with chapters in the book Neural Repair and Regeneration After Spinal Cord Injury and Spine Trauma.
Her research uses a rat cervical traumatic SCI model to access functional recovery and tissue repair following the administration of a neuroprotective drug termed NX. The goal being to target the secondary injury cascade following cervical traumatic spinal cord injury, enhancing endogenous neural repair, and improving patient quality of life and autonomy.
Soroush Mirkiani
Tarek Klaylat

Parvin Eftekhar
I am an Occupational Therapist by training, and an Affiliate Scientist, KITE Research Institute. I have been a practicing occupational therapist since 2001 with areas of expertise in neuro-rehabilitation with a focus on stroke, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury and acquired brain Injury. I have been practicing advanced, evidence-based interventions to treat and manage spasticity, with an emphasis on restoring function and improving quality of life.
My current research and clinical practice focus on patient and family goal-based intervention using the ICF model. My research interest areas are neuromodulation (sEMG, NMES/FES) coupled with traditional rehabilitation modalities such as exercise, massed practice, splinting/serial casting after upper limb paralysis or nerve transplant in individuals with stroke or SCI.
During COVID-19, I have pivoted to providing assessment and treatment via telerehab to patients with spasticity at Toronto Rehab. I am an active member of the peripheral nerve transplant team and act as research therapist in the Upper Extremity NeuroRestorative and Innovations Lab at Lyndhurst Centre.

Lovisa Cheung
Lovisa Cheung is a PhD Candidate in Rehabilitation Science at the University of Toronto (UofT). She completed a BSc in Kinesiology at McMaster University and MSc in Physical Therapy (PT) at UofT. During her MScPT, Lovisa was involved in research studying activity-based therapy for individuals with spinal cord injury. Currently, her doctoral work focuses on investigating adaptive sport participation for improving physical, psychological, and social well-being in adults aged 50 years or older living with spinal cord injury. This research incorporates components of peer facilitation and physiotherapy injury prevention strategies to optimize exercise self-efficacy. Beyond research, Lovisa works in acquired brain injury rehabilitation and critical care. Lovisa co-leads the critical thinking unit in the Department of Physical Therapy at UofT.
Carly O'Sullivan

Tarek Klaylat
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Surgical and interventional Sciences at McGill University, Montreal, QC, CA. I am interested in developing near-native bioengineered tissue substitues, disease modelling, and translational medical and surgical research.
Patrik Nepomuceno

Philippe Ménard
Philippe is a physiotherapist working since 2007 in the spinal cord injury inpatient intensive functional rehabilitation program at the Montreal Gingras-Lindsay Rehabilitation Institute. Through the years, he has developed an expertise in functional rehab for SCI patients and also in related clinical specialties/projects. He has been involved in teaching, international collaboration and also a number of clinical research projects.
Part of his clinical research involvment include the use of functional electrical stimulation in tetraplegic hands, the assessment of trunk stability, the use of virtual reality and transcranial stimulation in the treatment of neuropathic pain and also nerve and tendon transfers. He has been working with the TetraMain clinic since its beginning in 2019 and also in the years prior in treating tetraplegic patients after tendon transfers.